Chelsea Miller, FPQP™, NQPA™, is the Director of Onboarding at Cassaday & Company, Inc., and has been with the firm since 2012. Chelsea works with the Financial Planning team to develop a consolidation plan for new clients and oversees their transition to Cassaday. Her team initiates and manages the asset transfer process to ensure all clients experience a speedy and smooth transition. Chelsea has earned the Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional (FPQP™) designation through the College for Financial Planning and the Nonqualified Plan Advisor (NQPA™) designation from the organization National Association of Plan Advisors

Chelsea graduated summa cum laude from George Mason University where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in integrative studies and minors in psychology and childhood studies.

She is a WAMU member and volunteers with her local DECA organization, a co-curricular business club for high schoolers.

In her spare time, she enjoys exploring art museums, hiking, and skiing local mountains, and learning about wine. Chelsea currently lives in Reston, Virginia.


Chelsea is not registered with Osaic Wealth, Inc. or Cassaday & Company, Inc., and does not offer securities or investment advisory services.