Chris Forney Investment Strategist
Chris Forney is an Investment Strategist and joined the firm in April 2016. Chris is primarily responsible for trade execution and management of client accounts.
Chris has over eight years of experience in the investment management industry. Prior to joining Cassaday & Company, Inc., he was a valuation analyst for an investment management firm that provided mutual funds and ETFs to retail and institutional clients. He also worked in structured finance as an associate at a commercial real estate firm, which acted as a collateral manager for collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). He routinely forecasted future default rates on CRE loans and assessed the credit risk to bondholders.
Chris is a graduate of Radford University where he majored in Finance. He also has his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA society of Washington, DC.
Chris is a Registered Representative with Osaic Wealth, one of the largest independent broker-dealers in the United States; he holds the Series 7 securities registration. Chris is not registered with Cassaday & Company, Inc.