Testimonials are provided by current clients. All written testimonials referenced are unsolicited. All video testimonials referenced are solicited. No compensation was provided for these testimonials and no material conflicts of interest are present as a result. These testimonials and endorsements do not guarantee a level of success, nor do they guarantee that all clients will have the same experience.

"I really enjoy working with Irene Butler. She is such a wiz, her brilliant mind amazes me."

"What an awesome, pleasant, and helpful company!"

"Everyone at Cassaday & Company, Inc is rated number one by me!"

"Working with Jennifer has been extremely helpful! I frankly don’t know why I keep working, but I just like being in the game! I am very excited about this new opportunity, but will also have time to do all the things she and I have worked on. What a great resource."

"You all stand out as beacons of light that should be an example for all people in service-related industries!"

"We appreciate Carmen’s analysis of our long-term care and other insurance options."

"I can’t tell you how much we appreciate all you’ve done to help us make this difficult, but fantastic life-changing decision. We also appreciate all the resources you and Cassaday have made available to us."

"I am blessed to have high quality advisors on my side!"

"It’s correspondence like this from Jessica, Angelica, and Chris that continues to convince us that we made the right decision to invest with Cassaday & Company, Inc."

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