Washington Business Journal – Corporate Philanthropy Award

Cassaday & Company, Inc., is humbled to be recognized on the Washington Business Journal’s 2024 Corporate Philanthropy list. This list was created to honor the region’s most active and inspirational companies and nonprofits who have made a difference in their communities through philanthropic work. This is the 6th year Cassaday & Co. has been recognized. 

Chairman & CEO Steve Cassaday founded Cassaday & Co. with the guiding principle to “always do the right thing.” This extends past the way we treat our clients and coworkers and applies to how we treat our community. We are blessed as a firm to be in a position where we are able provide immediate assistance to local organizations that support some of the neediest populations in our communities, like the homeless, food insecure, and mentally ill. 

About Our Charitable Involvement 

Cassaday & Co.’s Charitable Fund (CCCF) was created in 2008 to support local organizations helping those most in need of necessities such as food, water, medical care, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, education, and training. The organizations supported by our Charitable Fund include Boulder Crest Foundation, Central Union Mission, PathForward (formerly A-SPAN), HopeLink Behavioral Health (formerly PRS, Inc.), So Others Might Eat (S.O.M.E), and United Help Ukraine. Steve encourages employee donations by personally matching every contribution to the CCCF by 200 percent. 

Cassaday & Co. also offers Volunteer Paid Time Off to encourage and support our team to give back to our community. Through volunteer work, charitable auctions, events, and more, our team has had the opportunity to form relationships with the members at these organizations, as well as those that they serve on a daily basis.  

Steve encourages every employee to give back to their community, saying, “for societies to be successful and flourish, those who have enjoyed success must recognize the obligation to give back.” 

Award History 

Cassaday & Co. was previously recognized for this list in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. 

To see the full list of firms that were recognized on this year’s list, click here. 

For a comprehensive list of company and workplace excellence awards won, click here.



Award Disclosures

Washington Business Journal Corporate Philanthropy – (2024-2019) Small Companies – Rankings on this list are based on the amount of DC-Metro area giving in 2023. Cassaday & Company did not pay a fee in exchange for inclusion on this list. https://www.bizjournals.com/washington/subscriber-only/2024/06/06/corporate-philanthropy-small-companies.html 




Contact Michelle Tigani

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