Invest in Others – Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy

Cassaday & Company, Inc., is honored to be one of only ten financial advisory firms from across the nation selected for the 2024 Invest in Others Charitable Champions list. This annual list recognizes advisory firms that have demonstrated exemplary efforts to give back to their communities by promoting a culture of philanthropy among employees. Cassaday was previously recognized on the list in 2023, 2022, and 2019 as well. 

According to Invest in Others (IiO), the award “recognizes financial advisory firms that give back to their communities by promoting a culture of philanthropy amongst their financial advisors and employees.” 

Our firm makes an active effort to empower our employees by providing them with frequent charitable giving opportunities, matching their charitable contributions to our Charitable Fund by 200%, and fostering a culture of giving back to our community. Our ultimate goal is to support individuals and organizations in creating opportunities that otherwise would not exist by providing basic necessities like food, water, medical care, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, education, and training. 

“We are fortunate to be part of an industry with so many professionals who are committed to giving back, and making a positive impact on the communities where they and their clients live and work,” saidR. Barkley Payne, Executive Director of Invest in Others. This year’s Charitable Champions serve as examples to us all on how to create a company culture that emphasizes giving back, and volunteering time and effort to improve their communities.

As a firm, we are fortunate to be in a position to give back to our community and to have employees who are inheritably charitable in nature.

Click here for the full list of 2024 Charitable Champions. 

About Invest in Others

Invest in Others is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to supporting and empowering financial advisors and firms that make a difference in the lives of others. Its programs recognize, support, and connect, which helps to build critical visibility, encourage others to get involved, channel additional resources to those in need, and highlight the important work being championed by the financial services community.

About the Award

Award applications were evaluated blindly by a panel of judges based on criteria including:

  • Leadership & Culture
  • Company contributions
  • Philanthropic events and programs offered by the firms.

To be eligible for the Charitable Champions award, firms must meet all the following criteria:

  • Must be in business a minimum of 1 year.
  • Have a minimum of 3 employees in the United States.
  • Be a registered investment adviser (RIA), affiliated with (but not an employee of) an independent broker dealer (IBD), or a hybrid/dually-registered firm affiliated with an IBD and doing business through an RIA.
  • Firms should directly provide financial advice to households or organizations.

Invest in Others has acknowledged the importance of firm-wide philanthropy since 2015 via its Corporate Philanthropy Award. Overwhelmed by the compassion, dedication, and impact that advisors and their firms were demonstrating on Corporate Philanthropy Award applications, Invest in Others was inspired to develop a more robust corporate recognition program: Charitable Champions.

Click here to learn more about the Charitable Champions award.


Award Disclosures: Invest in Others Charitable Champions (2019 – 2020, 2022 – 2024) – To be eligible for the Invest in Others award program, firms must meet all of the following criteria: be in business a minimum of 1 year, have a minimum of 10 employees in the United States, all employees in the company should be included in the employee count, not just the financial advising department, be a registered investment adviser(RIA), affiliated with (but not an employee of) an independent broker-dealer (IBD), or a hybrid/dually-registered firm affiliated with an IBD and doing business through an RIA, and should directly provide financial advice to households or organizations. Cassaday & Co. did not pay a fee for inclusion on this list. 



Contact Michelle Tigani

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